Friday, May 31, 2019
Anglo Saxon Scops :: English Literature Writing
Anglo Saxon Scops The written word has existed for thousands of years, with the style and subject matter of publications changing to fit the times. English literature is no different, with three distinct periods of writing ( experient English, Middle English and modern English). As the earliest period of docu mented literature, the Old English period is attach by the primitive styles and language of the Anglo Saxon people. Though they were sea-faring warriors, the Anglo Saxons were capable of strong emotions, best captured in poetry. However, these works were not written d accept. Rather, they were recited or sung. virtually men even devoted their lives to this purpose. These skilled minstrels were known as scops. The scop was an Anglo-Saxon poet who was commissioned by the early Germanic kings or soldiers to entertain them by reciting the poetry to the supplement of a harp or a similarly stringed instrument. From the Old English word scieppan, scop means to create, form or shap e. The scop was also referred to as a gleeman, from the Old English word gleoman, who was a musician or performer. Though the scop was a performer, like the gleeman, the work of the scop was more artistic, as the name denotes. Unlike the gleeman, scops also wrote and performed their own poetry. Also, they had to be able to insert fitting verse where necessary, depending upon the occasion or celebration . Scops were known to travel from village to village however, many had permanent posts in the kings court or mead halls. Usually, they performed for great feasts, celebrations, or the homecoming of soldiers from war. Their performances were usually short, but there were usually many lines of verse. Beowulf itself is over 3000 lines long. Any give song could deal with events from the present, such as battles won or recent adventures had. In Beowulf, the scop announced Beowulfs triumph over Grendel the morning after the deed. Some songs might deal with figures from the past like the an cestors of the Anglo Saxons. Other subjects reflected in the poetry include the sea, brave deeds, glory of warriors, and the love of home. Scops were also commissioned to write elegies or songs for the dead. It was considered an honor to have a scop sing ones praise or mourn ones death. But, regardless of the subject matter, the theme was lofty and its tone was earnest.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Netherlands :: essays research papers
The NetherlandsThe Netherlands, semiofficially Kingdom of the Netherlands, is a constitutional monarchy located in Northwest Europe. The Netherlands Antilles is part of the state and consists of islands in the Caribbean. The Netherlands is often called Holland later on a historic region, part of the present day nation. The country is bounded on the North and West by the North Sea, on the East by Germany, and on the South by Belgium. Land is scarce in the Netherlands and is fully exploited. The natural landscapes devote been altered over the centuries. The average January temperature is 35 degrees F and the imagine July temperature is 63 degrees F. The Netherlands was considered to be lacking in natural resources. Salt is produced and in the 1950s and 60s, great natural gas reserves were discovered in Groningen Province.The Netherlands is one of the most densely populated countries of the world. The Dutch make up the great majority of the nations inhabitants. They are mostly desc ended from the Franks, Frisians, and Saxons. According to a 1994 estimate, the Netherlands had a population of 15,401,000, an increase of about 17.9% over the 1971 census total. The overall population was about 961 persons per sq. mile. The nation is heavily urbanized about 27% of the large number live in cities of more than 100,000 inhabitants, and another 62% inhabit smaller cities and towns. The largest cities are, the capital, Amsterdam one of the worlds leading seaports, Rotterdam the nations administrative center, The Hague and a manufacturing hub, Utretch. The official language of the Netherlands is Dutch, which is spoken throughout the country. Roman Catholics constitute about 33% and Protestants about 25% of the Dutch population. From the time of the reformation the 16th century, the Netherlands has had a elevated level of basic education and comparatively high literacy rates. The Netherlands has played a major role in the European economy for many centuries. Since the 16 th century, shipping, fishing, trade, and banking have been leading sectors of the Dutch economy. A diversified manufacturing base was created as employment in agriculture fell and the country became a major energy exporter as large deposits of natural gas were discovered. Most firms are privately owned even though the government distributes about 40% of the Dutch national income. From 1965 to 1980, the earthy domestic product of the Netherlands grew at an average yearly rate of 3.8%, about equal to that of neighboring countries of continental Europe.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
How much do we learn about Gatsbys character and how is it revealed Es
How much do we learn round Gatsbys character and how is it revealedto us?Throughout The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby appears to be motivated by thepursuit of wealth and a life with Daisy, but how does this show up hischaracter? What we know about Gatsby is severely limited by theinformation that Carra dash, who himself only meets Gatsby at the startof the novel, feeds to us. During the short summer, in which the booktakes place, our information is limited by the format of the fibi.e. the first person viewpoint limits what we know about Gatsby. Wecan tell through the way that he acts in his pursuit of Daisy that heis ultimately a shy, reclusive person who will try anything in orderto meet his old love. But the first knowledge of when Gatsby first metDaisy at Camp Taylor, ahead he went to Europe, was at the beginningof the chapter in which he was killed. During this period, he was inthe company of many rich and successful officers who either wanted to bewith her. In going out with Dais y, Gatsby had proved that he couldhave a relationship with a person from a more privileged backgroundthan he had. The accompaniment that he falsified his wealth in order to becomeacquainted with her shows that he is longing for a trophy of successthat capturing Daisys heart will bring him. The way that he asksCarraway to arrange a meeting between himself and Daisy is strongproof of this link. Soon it becomes apparent that Gatsby wishes hisrelationship to return to the state that it was before he left tofight in Europe during the war. This is demonstrated by the quote,Cant repeat the past? Why of course you can. These words fromGatsby demonstrate a very dense wish for his relationship withDaisy to be as i... ...e. As Carrawayputs it, They were careless flock, Tom and Daisy - they smashed upthings and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their coarse carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and letother people clean up the mess they had made. Su ch a strongstatement fully shows how these people could have taken in Gatsby.Trying to hide business dealings cast doubt for the reader but for anyman to go to all the trouble of arranging to meet his true love showshis romantic side. One thing that this novel shows to the reader isthat although Carraway is told some details by Gatsby, what we knowlastly turns into a great deal of information. I believe thatGatsby is overall a good person trying desperately to achieve the twothings that his life has desire - Daisy and the pursuit of money,which were denied to him earlier.
The Creation of the American Democracy Essays -- American America Hist
The Creation of the American DemocracyWhen the Framers of the personality met in Philadelphia, they came together with one common purpose in mind. They needed to form a fair and solid system of government that would stand the test of time one that was both fair for the people and would not involve a monarchy. all(prenominal) of these men had their own ideas on what would constitute this system, however, so many compromises had to be made. Together, the men gathered in Philadelphia created a federal system of government and drafted a constitution outlining this government. They besidesk care in developing three branches of federal government with a system of conquers and balances so that no one branch would gain too much power, thus avoiding any chance of regressing back into the government from which they had just escaped. The Framers even made sure that the most powerful branch had a check system within itself by creating a bicameral legislature, consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives which could not function one without the other. The federal government that resulted from all of this figuring was an overall system of democracy, although some undemocratic issues were involved.The American system of government is ultimately a democracy, because it is ultimately a true system of the people. However, not everything through at the Constitutional Convention was democratic. When representatives from the states met in Philadelphia, the majority were rich, educated, upper-class landowners. They claimed to have the best interests of the people in mind, and in most cases they did. That was, after all, the reason they were brought together. However, they tranquil took some measures to ensure that the interests of the comm... ...te, and/or country. For this reason, the Electoral College system of electing our President should be redone and possibly eliminated. A leader must have the support of his country, and this can be assured only th rough a democratic election.The Bill of Rights is perhaps the best example of the democratic aspects of our government. It gives everyone equal freedoms and liberties, and it is truly in the best interests of everyone. When the Framers of the Constitution met in Philadelphia, they gathered to create a democratic government a government that worked for everyone and had the common interests of the people as its central purpose. Although some things done at the convention were indeed undemocratic, democracy ultimately prevailed and we were given a strong government with the ability to be amended to fit the common interests of the people end-to-end time.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Deconstruction of Thank You, Maââ¬â¢am :: Thank You, Maââ¬â¢am
Deconstruction of Thank You, Maam There are a million acts of kindness each day. Some young man gives a stranger a compliment, or a teacher brightens a students morning. But, in the world we live in today, these acts are rare to come by. In this short story Thank You, Maam, the boy, out of mysterious luck, gets taken in by the woman whom he was trying to steal a purse from. Her actions, following the incident towards the boy, may have seemed very kind and understanding, only the boy needs a more solid way of punishment. He requires discipline that will show him that as complicated as life is, there will non always be someone for you to lean and depend on. The first and most foremost thing that would come to mind when reading this story is how pity Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones was, that she took in the boy and nurtured him she tried to teach him between right and wrong. She gave him food, a nice conversation, and even a chance of escape, which he chose not to take, but the se methods are still an immoral way of handling the situation. If a boy were to come up to an everyday woman on the streets, that victim would not be as sensitive as Mrs. Jones was to the boy she caught. To teach a young man that if you steal and you are going to get special treatment is not an effective method of punishment. First of all, the boy told Mrs. Jones that he tried to steal her purse for one reason, to buy blue suede shoes for himself. She then replies, easily you didnt have to snatch my pocketbook to get some blue suede shoes... You could have unspoiled demanded me. There are many faulty choices of judgments do in this comment, mainly because the outcome of the situation would almost never happen in the real world. The boy will now, after being told he should just ask for the shoes, believe that anything he ever wants will come to his possession if would just ask. To trick a child into being convinced that if you just ask a woman for money or anything that she will give it to you is morally wrong, and it is not fair for the boy to go through life having and accepting this state of mind.
Deconstruction of Thank You, Maââ¬â¢am :: Thank You, Maââ¬â¢am
Deconstruction of Thank You, Maam There are a million acts of kindness each day. Some progeny humankind gives a stranger a compliment, or a teacher b right(a)ens a students morning. But, in the world we live in today, these acts are rare to come by. In this short story Thank You, Maam, the boy, out of mysterious luck, gets taken in by the woman whom he was trying to distract a old bag from. Her actions, following the incident towards the boy, may have seemed very kind and understanding, but the boy needs a more solid way of punishment. He requires school that will show him that as complicated as life is, there will not always be someone for you to lean and depend on. The foremost and most foremost thing that would come to mind when reading this story is how caring Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones was, that she took in the boy and nurtured him she tried to teach him between right and wrong. She gave him food, a nice conversation, and even a chance of escape, which he chose n ot to take, but these methods are still an immoral way of handling the situation. If a boy were to come up to an everyday woman on the streets, that victim would not be as sensitive as Mrs. Jones was to the boy she caught. To teach a young man that if you steal and you are going to get special treatment is not an effective method of punishment. First of all, the boy told Mrs. Jones that he tried to steal her purse for one reason, to buy sulky suede shoes for himself. She then replies, Well you didnt have to snatch my pocketbook to get some blue suede shoes... You could have just asked me. There are many faulty choices of judgments made in this comment, mainly because the outcome of the situation would almost never keep in the real world. The boy will now, after being told he should just ask for the shoes, believe that anything he ever wants will come to his obstinacy if would just ask. To trick a child into being convinced that if you just ask a woman for money or anything that s he will give it to you is morally wrong, and it is not fair for the boy to go through life having and accepting this state of mind.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Response to Essay Questions for Teaching Position in High-Needs School Essay
Instructions as pleadd on application Answer to each one question in a short essay format (no more than 300 words) be sure to address all parts of each question. The answers to these questions be considered a critical part of your application. Please spend time crafting your answers and provide your responses to these application questions in the spaces below. (Be sure to identify each instruction, and frequently review to chequer your work is acceptable.) interrogative sentences as stated on application Briefly describe a time when you achieved a goal in the face of challenges (or while balancing multiple responsibilities). What specific steps did you take to ensure you would meet your goal, and how did you know you were successful? How will you apply that experience to set goals and measure your success in the physiqueroom?Answer each question and its parts (It is beneficial to examine each question rather than attempting to answer all at one time.)Question get out I Briefly describe a time when you achieved a goal in the face of challenges (or while balancing multiple responsibilities).Answer fork I As the 5th grade science teacher at a Title I give lessons, I faced the daunting goal of preparing students for the states first mandated science exam. Challenges included classroom management, negative perceptions, unfamiliarity with subject matter, and a limited time frame. In order to grow professionally and proactively affect positive growth in the community, I assumed multiple responsibilities such as volunteering as a Girl Scout Leader nurse Home Volunteer Childrens Programming Coordinator and participating in a yearlong science educator professional development series. Nevertheless, my goal was important for our school and students.Question Part II What specific steps did you take to ensure you would meet your goal, and how did you know you were successful?Answer Part II I implement small goals building upon one another to ensure a smooth pace f or students. My first step was to build self-belief. Through guided lessons and student partnerships, danger was replaced with confidence. Secondly, I observed other teachers. Applying their techniques, managing students became easier. With confident students and a better classroom management style, we were ready for step three-organization. Using study guides, note-taking, routines, and procedures, lessons progressed students from the teacher-led model to a student-teacher cooperation. position smaller goals allowed easier progression for students and me.Question Part III How will you apply that experience to set goals and measure your success in the classroom?Answer Part II Our test scores were announced to the entire school because they were above average and the highest in our county, but it was students smiles and high-fives that satisfied my heart. Using the lessons learned from the experience, I am able to view challenges with confidence and assurance that the necessary inve stments of time, self-sacrifice, and hard work are well worth the satisfaction of achievement. In order to create invariable strides, I will continue to base my measurements in accordance with student needs. My highest priority is that each student feels safe, cared for, and respected, while other assessments such as chapter tests and class work continue to guide my pace allowing for improvements in my preparation and presentation.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Criminal Law Midterm
Midterm Criminal Law State v. Doug Homicide The unlawful taking of the life of one human being by another. Actual Causation The defendants act must have been the cause in fact of the dupes death. Without the defendants actions, the victim would not have died. But for Doug shooting and cleanup Tom, he would not have died. Proximate Causation A defendants actions are the immediate cause of the victims death if the result occurs as a consequence of the defendants act. There is no other casually connected act. The defendants conduct is the direct cause of the harm.Doug was the sole causal agent, and he brought about Toms death by shooting and killing him. Therefore, Doug was the proximate cause of Toms death. Murder Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought. Malice aforethought is the use to cause the death of, or grievous bodily harm to, a human being. Because Doug shot and killed Tom he will be fritter awayd with tally. Because Doug went to a nearby drawer to grab a gun, and then shot Dan, there was malice aforethought. First stage Murder First degree execute is murder where there was premeditation, deliberation, and then willful killing.Doug was fearing for his life and did not have premeditation or deliberation. Doug will not be convicted of first degree murder. Second Degree Murder Second degree murder is murder where there is malice aforethought but it was not premeditated. Because Doug did commit murder but did not premeditate, his charge will be second degree murder. Voluntary Manslaughter Voluntary manslaughter is a killing done on a sudden, in the heat of love life, after adequate provocation. The computer simulation Penal Code declares that a killing which otherwise would be murder is manslaughter under certain conditions.Because Tom peril to beat Doug badly, and Doug then feared for his life, there was legally adequate provocation. Doug will argue that the killing was done in the heat of passion. Under th e Model Penal Code, the killing would be considered committed under extreme emotional or mental disturbance . Because there was no cooling off consummation brought on by the sudden provocation, at a time when reason was disturbed, so there was no mens rea. Doug will be eligible for reduction to instinctive manslaughter. Self DefenseSelf defense is a general right to defend oneself against the use of unlawful world power. One may defend oneself with mischievous force only if the attacker threatens him with serious bodily harm. Doug will contend that Tom threatened to beat him badly, and he was defending himself from serious bodily harm. Doug believed that he was in imminent danger, had no way to retreat, and that the use of deadly force was necessary to protect himself. The Jury will have to decide if Dougs deadly force was excessive. Toms words carry a threat of serious bodily harm, but there was no unlawful force taken.Also, the venire will have to decide if Doug was the initi al aggressor. Defense of Property Use of force to defend ones property or ones self from harm is justified. A homeowner generally cannot use deadly force to defend his property. This is based on the judgment that human life is much valuable than property. Doug will argue that he was defending himself and his property and was acting in self defense. Doug should be able to mitigate a charge of murder to voluntary manslaughter. Because there was no unlawful force against Doug, self defense will most likely not be attainable.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Importance of Data Security and Data Safety Essay
To prevent companies from using or passing on confidential cultivation to former(a) companies without the permission of the person who the selective information is about, companies will need to protect the information. With the popularity of the networks there ar opportunities for thieves to steal their personal data. So the government set a law (data credentials measure act) which is physical exertion to protect states rights concerning how data is used and you also have the right to see such information and have any errors corrected. Also governing will want to keep data confidential because it will not want its competitors to know how the business is going.List the 8 principles of the Data guard exploitThe Data Protection Act says the personal data should1. Be adequate, relevant and not excessive. For example college should keep students expound and details must be bonnie what is needed and nothing more.2. Be touch in accordance with the data subject right. For exa mple the person that the data refers to have the right to fill the information about him/her and the nerve should provide hem/her with information they need.3. Be accurate and be kept up to date. There is a duty to keep it up to date, for example to change an address when people move.4. Not be kept longer than necessary. For example it is alright to keep information for certain length of clock time moreover it would be wrong to keep information about past customers longer than a few years at most5. Be obtained and processed for limited purposes. For example the organization must use the data unless in the way it is described and it must not use it for any other purpose.6. Be secure. This includes safekeeping the information backed up and away from any unauthorised retrieve. It would be wrong to leave personal data open to be viewed by just anyone.7. Not be transferred to countries outside Europe without adequate security system. Unless the country that the data is being sent to has a suitable data protection law8. Be processed fairly and lawfully. For example if you put your bills at bank no one can transfer your money without your permission.(a) What is the dissimilarity between the Internet, Intranet and Extranet? (P8)Internet Are public webs that allow the user to use any of its facilities.Intranet and Extranet is like a private network. It is like a website that is only accessible to the members of a business or companionship. The variant between Intranets and Extranet isIntranet Allow the members of organisation to access the access the musical arrangement with an organisation.Extranet Allow the members of organisation to access the system from different location but only by the users who have been given access rights.(b)* What is a browser?Is programme that can read web pages, by downloading hypertext markup language code and that allows the browser to interpret the code to the web page. A browser displays web pages, keeps track of where y ouve been, and remembers the places you want to return to, the most used browsers are Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.* Describe the role of a browser when using the Internet, Intranet and ExtranetBrowser allows the people to access information, view images, hear music and watch video, in the consideration of intranet and extranet the browser allows user to share documents, access databases and allow group work.* Describe the role of email when using internet communications.You can send email to an individual or to a group of people at the same time, you can bring in mailing list so that you can write a essence and send it automatically to number of people. Also you can send files such as pictures, word document and sound as attachments to your message.(a) List major threats to an organisation that could happen while using the Internet. (P9)1. Hacking (use to steal the personal details and private files of company)2. The spread of viruses (use to destroy or damage the important files of company)3. Internet fraud (taking confidence card details from customers)4. Spay ware (is biggest threat in the ready reckoner system which allows someone to log into your figurer and use it for their own purpose)5. Spam ( send unwanted messages especially commercial advertising)Purpose of assignmentIn this assignment, I have to do research and get information on the importance of data security and data safety. M research must be from ICT sources and non ICT sources and by using the evidence that I collect I should explain the importance of keeping customer information confidential, the main provision of data protection act, the role of browsers and email in internet communications, the difference between internet, intranet and extranet, the major threats to organization from internet and finally a poster that explains the importance of data safety and data security. The assignment will also gather key skills portfolio evidence.M5Physical Security social functi on of security guards, locks, reinforced doors, windows and walls depending on what is being protected. Use of ICT to enforce security entry on doors, and protected areas of buildings i.e. swipe cards, fingerprint ID, voice recognition.Firewall This is a security device, which acts as a single entry/exit point for information and access to a computer system. All traffic must pass by means of the firewall and therefore a system is secure from external threats. A firewall usually sits between the internal network of an organisation and access by the internet.Virus Protection It is usual for systems to have some form of anti-virus software installed and running in the background. All files and devices introduced to the system would be scanned, any attempts to alter system files would be blocked, and notification made to the user/system administrator. Preventing the use of floppy disks is a good method of eliminating one source of potential virus problems.Identification of Users A sy stem of user IDs and passwords is a simple method of preventing unauthorised personnel accessing the system. These should be managed by the system administrator. With this, only some users will have access to certain programmes and data therefore increasing the level of security on sensitive data. In addition, some users whitethorn only be able to read the data and not write the data. Other users may not have the ability to delete or even to access certain files.Encryption software the data may be encrypted (coded) into a form, which can only then be decoded by the intended user. If the data falls into the wrong hands, it will be meaningless.Backups To guard against the loss of data, backups should be regularly made. These backups should be stored in a separate place, preferably in a fireproof environment.Passwords software Password protection usually involves a person typing in* A User Name to identify the person.* A Password to identify the person. He should be the only one to k now what it is.Computer viruses which are programs that destroy the way computer operates without the knowledge of the user, there are huge numbers of viruses some are extremely malicious with the ability to delete or damage files and programs.Some of the threats that they cause to computer systems include* Deleting data on the hard disk of the organisation computer system.* Enabling hackers to hijack the organisation system and use it for their own purposes.How do viruses spread* CDs and floppy disks containing infected documents.* Emails containing infected attachments.Hackers who gain unauthorised access to computer systems for the purpose of stealing and corrupting data, also gaining access to financial information about the organisation business or their customers for the purposes of fraud.Security measures may include* separately user should be given a user name and a password.* Computer usage may be logged.* Computers should be disconnected from a network when not in use.* Use a firewall a computer running software, which detects hackers dialling in to a network.Spam authorised users downloading a web page or receiving an email with hidden active content that attacks the organisation system or send sensitive information to unauthorised people.Organisation can stop spreading of spam by using spam filtering softwareSpy ware is software that is placed on organisation computer when the employee visits certain websites, it is used to on the Q.T. gather information about the organisation usage and sends it back to advertiser or other interested company to tracking the organisation system use .it can also slow down or crashes the organisation computerPop up Many company advertisers on the Internet by using windows that pop up in the middle of computer screen to display a message. They might also open when you click a link or button on a Web site, and they might open either over or under the window, you wish to view. Some pop-up windows can contain unlike content or can be a way for employee of organisation to accidentally download dangerous software (called spyware or adware) onto organisation computer.Infringement of right of first publication Internet users are not allowed to copy or print some internet materials such as video, music, files and photos without the permission of copyright holder and sometimes they may have to pay a licence to do so.Theft and fraud credits card fraud for example people can steal the details on credits card and using them ilsoundly to buy goodsSole traderA sole trader is the actual owner of a business, a sole trader also has unlimited liability. All the debts of the business are the debts of the owner.They can not issues shares .The whole meaning behind Sole means that she/he does not have partners. (e.g. electrical repair, picture framing, photography, diving instruction, retail shops, and hotels)PartnershipA Partnership can be liable for all debts, it is easy to setup, but is also inexpensive to fo rm. Forming partnership requires an agreement that is some times called partnership agreement between two to twenty individuals which entitles them to formulately own and carry on a trader business together. A partnership is a contract between two or more persons who agree to pool talent and money and share profit or loss.Private limited companyA Private limited company has limited liability (the shareholders cannot loose more than their accredited shareholdings), and a minimum of two shareholders and a maximum of fifty shareholders. It cannot offer its shares to the public. A private limited company is treated as a legal entity.Public limited companyA company which may have an unlimited number of shareholders and offer its shares to the wider public. (e.g. Cadbury and Tesco)Multi-National companyA company that does business in more than one country, usually by setting up branch offices.Tesco Characteristics* persona of company Tesco is an international retailer and is a publicly owned company (Public Limited Company Plc).* Products including food and non-food business, personal finance, internet shopping, electrical items, home entertainment, toys, sports equipment, and many more.* Profit / lossTescos Profit and Loss20052004Sales at net selling prices37,07033,557 employee turnover including share of joint ventures34,35331,050Less share of joint ventures turnover(379)(236)Operating profit/(loss)1,9491,735Share of operating profit/(loss) of joint ventures and associates13097Net profit/(loss) on disposal of fixed assets53(9)Profit on ordinary activities before taxation1,9621,600Underlying profit before net profit/(loss) on disposal of fixed assets, integration costs and goodwill amortisation2,0291,708* Size of company Tesco operates 923 stores and employs 240,000 people , there are 639 branches in Great Britain and 182 in the rest of Europe* Location they operate in UK, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan and the Re public of Ireland* Purpose of company to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty.* Aims Built good non-food sales expanded into retailing services and exploited e-commerce successfully.* Objective1. To deliver a consistently hale customer offer.2. Making their shopping trip as easy as possible.3. Constantly seeking to reduce their prices to help customer spend less.* LogoCadbury Characteristics* Type of company is an international retailer and is a publicly owned company (Public Limited Company Plc).* Products chocolate and drinks brands.* Profit / lossCadbury Profit and Loss (Millions)2006 (Millions)2005Turnover6,508.006,085.00Operating Profit / (Loss)1,003.00825.00Net Interest(188.00)(205.00)Pretax Profit843.00642.00Post Tax Profits703.00497.00Total Dividend Paidn/an/a hold Profit / (Loss) for the financial yearn/an/a* Size of company they operate in more than 35 countries and they employs over 55,000 people* Location Americas, Europe, Middle East and Africa and Asia Pacific.* Purpose of company the organization work together to create brands people love.* Aims 1. Deliver shareowner performance.2. Ensure their capabilities are dress hat in class.3. Reinforce reputation with employees and society* objective1. Responding to consumer needs quickly.2. Grow shareowner value.3. Attract and develop the best kind of people.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Semiotic Analysis of Barack Obama in Time Magazine
SEMIOTICS ASSIGNMENT The front get well of condemnation mag, issued on December 10, 2007 was taken before the function of the presidential campaign in America, and the man on the front cover is Barack Obama who was a favourite at the time. The bias of the provide, the covers anchorage and the term altogether show that the underlying purpose of this times issue was to influence readers to side with TIME and vote for this man. This cover resembles a famous trope taken of Martin Luther King Junior and serves to link Obama with the Ameri arouse Civil-Rights hero in order to influence the readers position towards Obama.This cover can be seen as a metaphor of the rise of the African American in society, as well as politics. Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their use or meter reading (Oxford dictionary) and give be used to unveil the hidden meaning behind this front cover. This is a picture of a black man in a suit, who is standing upright with has his arms crossed . This man is neither smiling, nor is he frowning and is non looking directly at the camera. The background is multiple shadings of grey. The word TIME, as well as the anchorage is in sporting, and words the contender are in red.The outside rim of the magazine is in addition red, with a white border between the picture and the red rim. Obamas suit gives off an postage stamp that he is polished, prepared and serious. Obamas suit to a fault commands a understanding of respect from the reader and a sense that he has etiquette as well as control. The mans facial expression is neutral which gives off the impression that he is stable, reliable and somewhat loyal. This is effective because one sees this control and presumes that this man is secure in who he is (he feels no need to make false pretences) and consequently one can trust him with their vote in the coming presidential elections.The mans upright posture illustrates a sense of strength because he looks anchored and thus ki ngful. The man is not looking directly at the camera which enhances his seriousness and creates a sense of intrigue within the reader one cant help but wonder what this man is thinking of, and why he is thinking it. The mans posture makes him appear courageous and resolute to handle the responsibility of anything (i. e. the presidential campaign). Obamas body language of firmly folded arms insinuates that he is being defensive, ready to take on a backpacking fight.The fight will be the upcoming presidential campaign which includes the attacks that he will get from the public and media being in the race (for example the media will be negative and pointedly high get out his inadequate characteristics). Therefore by looking just beyond the camera, Obama appears to be aware of what is coming and prepared to flavor the coming battle like a courageous boxing hero. The shaded grey background highlights the mans power and illuminates him in a god-like manner.The light meet the man resu lts in the readers eyes being drawn directly to him, and gives the the impression that he is the light and is like an angel in the darkness. The magazine name, TIME, is in white in order to contrast the grey background and highlight the magazines name. The anchorage on the front cover enhances the overall message of a sense of polish and control. TIME is written in Times New Roman, an old-fashioned and serious style of writing which corresponds to the pieces of writing within the magazine.The name of the magazine is also not fully displayed (Baracks head is blocking the M of TIME) and this demonstrates the popularity of the magazine because the magazine is so well know that people can immediately recognise it, without even displaying its full name. It also highlights Obamas importance and prestige the fact that the company are willing to be less recognised by their name is not an issue due to Obamas great popularity and dominance, which will influence people to buy the magazine anyways because of him.TIME is in the colour white which makes it an arbitrary sign which represents goodness, peace and innocence. The rival is also highlighted on the cover, and characterizes someone who is fighting for first place in a competition. Red attracts the readers eye to the title of the magazines issue, draws attention to the mans face and highlights that he is in the running for something big. The Contender is in bold (which draws the readers attention to the words) and is in a real rich red which is an arbitrary signifier that can represent passion, power and strength.This corresponds to the articles position towards Obama which highlights his courage, ambition and dominance in the presidential campaign. It is also interesting to note the publishers use of the instead of a because Obama is a contender for the presidency of America, and is joined by many other contenders. However, by replacing a with the the reader is positioned to view Obama as the one and besides competitor in the campaign.This therefore influences the reader to believe that he is going to be the ultimate winner of the competition because all other opponents are forget and will pale in comparison to his lead in the competition. The article inside the magazine talks about Obamas pledge to practice a new kind of politics and how he managed to get more money from small donors than all the other Democratic candidates combined (TIME). This extract shows the biased snuggle that the author of the magazine, as well as the director of the photography for the front cover took with regards to Obamas portrayal as an American politician.The article purposefully highlights the wide power that Obama and his organization has in the lives of many Americans, and this is linked to the light in which hes portrayed in on the front cover a portrayal of power and dominance. The article also speaks about the other political campaigners who are opponents of Obamas (such as Hilary Clinton, Dick C heney and Don Rumsfeld) however Obama portrayed to be in a more dominant position than them.For example Obama has also begun to sharpen one of his strongest arguments that experience is not the like thing as head for which Clinton has not yet found a rejoinder. When reading the article, it is very apparent that the writer is clearly in favour of Obama and his political campaign. This bias is also seen through the light that Obama is portrayed in the picture a dominant, powerful and superior light, a sign that he is superior to all the other contenders in the presidential campaign.One cant help but question if this magazine companys political reliability due to their bias when it comes to the governance of the country. It is also interesting to note that Obama, who used to practise Civil Rights Law, is positioned to resemble Martin Luther King junior. OShaughnessy and Stadler (2008) define intertextuality as the process of knowingly borrowing and referring to other texts or int erpreting one text in the light of other related texts. As you can see from the very famous above image, TIME very skilfully resembles the Front cover to this picture of the American hero, Martin Luther King junior.King was a peaceful Civil Rights leader who also refused to conform to the political practices of the time and created a peaceful yet powerful movement that America had never seen before. King is known as an innocent, equality-driven leader who made a big difference in a small amount of time. Kings portrait is a medium sized picture of him in a suit with his arms folded where he is also not looking directly into the camera much like the portrait of Obama.The likeness between these two pictures therefore makes the reader assume these same quality traits of King, to that of Obama which then makes the reader regard Obama to be a hero who will lead the country into equality and greatness, much like King did. This picture highlights the growth of the African Americans in soc iety as well as politics because Obama is portrayed in a dominant light, instead of the inferior light with which the African Americans were portrayed in the previous century.TIMEs target market is success-driven, intelligent men (and on the rare occasion women) who are involved in business and take an interest in politics. This is therefore a successful front cover because it addresses all of those fields politics, business, current affairs etc. Whilst closely people would say this was a boring front cover when correlated with their target market, it is clearly effective in convincing their desired consumer to choose their magazine from the rest. Even though this cover is severely biased, it is valuable because of its link with Martin Luther King Jr. nd its emphasis of the rise of the African American in not only society but also politics. REFERENCES BarackObama. Biography. 2010. O in stock(predicate) http//www. biography. com/people/barack-obama-12782369? page=4. Accessed on 2 5/03/2012 Oxford Dictionaries. 2012. O Available http//oxforddictionaries. com/definition/semiotics? q=semiotics. Accessed on 27/03/2012 Tumulty, K. 2007. O Available http//www. time. com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1689203-2,00. html. Accessed on 28/03/2012
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Ederly Parents Should Live in Nursing Homes or Not? Essay
Vietnams population is older and older and it is important for young people, especially politi abides, to seriously think about the issue of nursing homes. Should fourth-year parents live in nursing homes or not? Sending elderly parent into nursing homes is the best choice for them in the rest of their lives for three principal(prenominal) reasons. First, elderly parents live in nursing homes will be good for their children. Nowadays, young people are too busy. They have o go to form and have no time to take care of their parents. They leave their parents at home lonely for whole day and feel nervous about their parents. Consequently, they can not concerntrate on their work and nursing homes are a good choice for them to send their parents into. Second, when elderly line in nursing homes, they can mystify friends with the people at the same age. They will fell very happy because they can chat whole day with their friends, do some helpful excercises much(prenominal) as jogging, t ai chi, instead of being lonely at home when their children go to work.Third, the most important reason, is that nursing homes can provide elderly parents with new-fangled health care facilities. In nursing homes, professional doctors, nurses and high quality equipments are always available to take care of elderly parents. Doctors here as well give them a suitable diet which is good for their health. Opponents of sending elderly parents into nursing homes say that elderly parents will fell lonely when they live outlying(prenominal) from their children and it is also against Vietnamese moral value. However, as stated previously, nursing homes are the place which provide old people with the best health care. Moreover, their children can decrease and visit them whenever they want. In conclusion, there are undoubtly many benefits to send elderly parents into nursing homes. Most of old people who live in nursing homes display that they live better and happier with their friend here. Sending elderly parents into nursing homes becomes an important issue for both young people and elderly parents themselves to think about.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Handling Difficult People
How to handle tricky people General purpose To inform Specific purpose I volition speak on how to handle knotty people Thesis statement I will explain how to handle difficult people by starting introducing the topic and discussing different ways to handle difficult people. * Attention getter Difficult people are your key to self empowerment, you need to learn how to cope with them, non let them dominate and affect you. * Audience Motivation So why do we need to handle difficult people?Well in breeding we face more than one difficult people and knowing how to handle them will not just make this world better but makes your life-time a lot easier and smooth. * Credibility I have dealt with difficult people for over 10 years. I also took some help from my research articles and by reading a book how to handle difficult people by John Townsed. * Thesis -Purpose I will inform on how to handle difficult people -Preview at first, I will start by explain/defining difficult people.Secon d, I will discuss different measures to handle difficult people and lastly I will repeat the main points. I. First, definition A. Handle B. Difficult (Now that we have understood the meaning , we can discuss the measures. ) II. sentence to discuss the measures. A. Understanding that people are difficult for reason B. May be you are difficult for him/her C. Step on his shoes and think D. Go to higher authority E. Avoid him or dont think of him Now that we know how to handle difficult people, lets review) 1. Summary Today we have lettered that we can handle difficult people in various ways depending where and when. We learned that we have to take fake of ourselves first and be careful on how you are going to react. 2. Closing the more you confront difficult people, the easier it becomes. When you confront and handle difficult people around you, people respect for your courage, your honesty and control over yourself.Your associate, employees or co- workers for example and taking pos itive action, despite fear, is kind of courage all successful people must have to succeed. Work Cited Townsend, John. use Difficult People what to do when people try to push your buttons. New York. Thomas Nelson. April 21, 2009. Print Dumb Little Man Tips for Life. 9 Useful Strategies to traffic with Difficult People at Work. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. .
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Writing Compartive Essays
Writing Comparative Essays encouraging you to make connections betwixt texts or ideas engage in critical thinking & go beyond mere description or summary to generate interesting analysis when you reflect on similarities & differences you gain a deeper understanding of the items you are comparing, their relationship to to each matchless other & what is most important about them. Although the assignment may say equal, the assumption is that you will con arrayr both the similarities and differences in other words, you will compare and contrast.Establishing a Basis of Comparison Objects must share some significant characteristics.. (same class or general category) no basis of equation if there is no common element If the similarities & differences between the objects are all simply obvious the reader of the essay is certain to be bored. So the basis of comparison should go beyond the obvious When 2 subjects are very similar, it is the contrast that may be worth developing more When 2 subjects are non very much alike, you may find their similarities enlightening. Bees and People = absurd . iffer in species, physical structure, intelligence both are social animals that live in interlocking social structures, hold in t requests to perform & roles to fulfill in their respective societies = so we could write but focus on the common elements that seem most intriguing = social structures & roles Bees and Jeeps Human Beings and Golf Tees = NO few points of comparison = very trivial ones bees & jeeps = travel great di carriages = dumb comparison people & tees = needed to draw golf = dumb similarity = no significant basis of comparison = NO C&C essay YOU CANNOT WRITE A C&C ESSAY IF THERE ARE NO SIMILARITIES . verything on the planet has differences so the aim here is to find similarities and then develop differences. Points of Comparison (& contrast) treat the same, or at least similar, elements for each subject Novel A Major characters Minor characters T hemes Novel B Major characters Minor characters Themes NOT Novel A Major characters Minor characters Themes Novel B Minor characters Language Plot Deciding Your Purpose. C&C solar & wind cogency ask yourself Why do I want to C&C these objects. Do you want to inform, to emphasize, to explain, to evaluate, to persuade that one side is better than the other?Do you have more than one purpose? Your purpose will influence the content & organization of your comparison & contrast essay Comparative Essays may be telling or informative (your thesis statement signals this purpose) Your assignment for this class = Informative C&C essay C&C solar & wind energy TO INFORM TO PERSUADE Provide information about both in order to determine whether one is better than the other as a functional means of producing significant amounts of energy. Proving that one technology is superior to the otherProvide information about both in order to determine that both are a practical means of producing significan t amounts of energy. Formulating a Thesis Statement identify the subjects to be C & C Indicate comparison as considerably as contrast indicate whether you will concentrate on similarities or differences or whether you will balance the two list the main points of comparison or contrast in the order in which they will be discussed in the essay (essay symbolise) Despite the fact that television and radio are distinctly antithetical media, they use similar strategies to appeal to their audiences. o essay map = ? TS = for an informative C&C = no stance = no taking a side underlined part = signals contrast italicized part = signals comparison focus / emphasis is on comparison = as it is stated at the end of the thesis Although Melvilles Moby slit & Londons The Sea Wolf are both about the sea, minor characters, major characters, and themes of Moby Dick establish its greater analyzableity. TS = for an argumentative C&C essay = stance underlined part = signals comparison italicized part = signals contrast = focus of the essayCompare and contrast the reasons why the North and southerly fought the well-bred War. The North and South fought the Civil War for many reasons, some of which were the same and some different. While both sides fought the Civil War everywhere the issue of slavery, the North fought for moral reasons while the South fought to preserve its own institutions. While both Northerners and Southerners believed they fought against tyranny and oppression, Northerners focused on the oppression of slaves while Southerners defended their own right to self-government.While Callaghans All the Years of Her life and Mistrys Of White Hairs and Cricket both follow the conventions of the coming-of-age narrative, Callaghans story adheres more closely to these conventions by allowing its central protagonist to mature. In Mistrys story, by contrast, no real growth occurs. ThS = differences outweigh similarities essay focus = differences Although Darwin and Lamarck came to different conclusions about whether acquired traits can be inherited, they shared the key distinction of recognizing that species evolve over time. ThS = similarities outweigh differences essay focus = similarities No essay map = ? The focus of the essay = subsequent half of the ThS Provide a detailed essay map in the later half of your thesis statement NOT in the first half Thesis for an informative C&C = no stance Thesis for an argumentative C&C = stance You need to focus the topics given to you this focus should be evident in your Introduction and then later developed in your Thesis Statement.C & C solar & wind energy = TS = no essay map for both but notice that one takes a side and the other does not. TO INFORM Solar energy & wind energy both, are practical alternatives to conventional energy sources, though they have their own queer characteristics & uses. TO PERSUADE While both solar and wind energy are practical technologies, solar energy now seems t he better investment. Whether your paper focuses primarily on difference or similarity, you need to make the relationship between A and B clear in your thesis.Structuring the Essay. Subject-by-Subject = purpose is to emphasize overall similarities or difference Say everything you have to say about the first subject, then move on & make all the points you want to make about the flash subject and so on. In discussing each subject, you use the same basis of comparison & arrange these points in the same logical order. portion for short, uncomplicated papers. .. plain comparison. points of comparison are general & few in number. Seems like 2 separate essays are weakly connectedPoint-by-Point = purpose is to emphasize individual points of similarity or difference. make a point about one subject & then follow it with a comparable point about the other Appropriate for longer more complicated essays in which you discuss many different points. readers can easily follow your points. Nev ertheless.. it is easy to fall into a monotonous, back-and-forth achievement between points . use clear transitions & vary sentence structure as you move from point to point. Each similarity for A & B can commonly be handled in one paragraph in the body of the essay. Each difference for A & B may not be handled in one paragraph try to split each point of contrast into 2 paragraphs even when using the point-by-point format (do remember to link the two paragraphs with a transitional sentence) .. remember the stress is NOT on the number of points that u mention BUT on the DEPTH OF DEVELOPMENT Analogy. When a subject is unobservable, complex or abstract when it is so generally unfamiliar that readers may have trouble understanding it analogy can be most effective. An analogy Looks for similarities & differences between 2 essentially dissimilar things. Compares the difficult/abstract/unfamiliar to the more familiar Think of the human genome as the ingredients list for a massive s aving grace dinner. Scientists long have had a general understanding of how the feast is cooked. They knew where the ovens were. Now, they also have a list of every ingredient. Yet much remains to be discovered. In most cases, no one knows exactly which ingredients are necessary for making, for example, the pumpkin pie as opposed to the cornbread. Indeed, many, if not most, of the recipes that use the genomic ingredients are missing, and theres little nderstanding that why small variations in the quality of the ingredients can cook up diseases in one person but not in another. (another e. g. on pg 166) True Comparison Analogy analyzes items that belong to the same class types of engines. Purpose = seeks to illuminate specific features of both subjects e. g. pairs things from different classes with nothing in common get out through the imagination of the writer Purpose = to clarify the one subject that is complex or unfamiliar craft of fiction writing - craft of carpentry analog y helps the reader visualize an abstract or unobservable thing
Monday, May 20, 2019
Mars Company Plc Analysis & Description
Mars comp altogether PLC Analysis & Description Top of Form Aleksander Terzijew, you argon signed in. My draw Options My Job Basket (0 items)Sign Out * Job Search * My Jobpage Applying for European Finance Development political program 2011 (Job Number UNI00330) Loading Step 5 out of 5Print/E-mail Beginning of the master(prenominal) content section. SummaryThis summary displays the information included in the job submission form. To modify some ad hoc information, click Edit next to the relevant section. EditPersonal InformationAleksander Terzijew62 Blandford RoadManchester, M6 6BEPolandKujawsko-Pomorskieemailprotected om Home Phone Number 07865963872 Mobile phone chip Work Phone Number You can ask for your profile to be deleted, at any clock by logging into the system and changing this box to DELETE MY PROFILE. If you choose to delete your profile, this will so disqualify you from any current roles that you arrive applied for. Do NOT delete my profile reference Tracki ng Source Type . Cargoner Fair Source Manchester University Education Institution University of Salford Programme air Education Level Bachelors Degree Average chump out of root discover -Jan-2007 offset sequence -Jan-2010Institution University of Salford Programme Education Level Average grade out of Start conflict -Jan-2006 Graduation Date -Jan-2007 Work Experience authoritative Job No Employer Sage-COS Position Title Accountant Start Date -Sep-2009 End Date -Oct-2010 Achievements 16. 09. 2009 21. 10. 2010 Sage COS Bookkeeping Consultancy Ltd gained a general Book belongings qualification on screen simulations using Sage 50 Accounts software learned the principles of both manual software based bookkeeping acquired a grounding in bookkeeping , accounting , payroll monetary management Current Job NoEmployer Smart City Futures Position Title Start Date -Jul-2009 End Date Achievements 23. 07. 2009 Smart City Futures new conversations that tap into the unreal ised potential of open knowledgeability effective collaboration between Universities , Industry Government shared knowledge , experience , challenges failures explored collaborative solutions on Smart City Futures challenged traditional conference dynamics experiment with new formats to a greater extent in railway line with the connected world took an active part in non hierarchical dialogue collaborative ideas generation Current Job NoEmployer Applied Language Solutions Position Title Freelance Interpreter Start Date -Jan-2009 End Date -Nov-2010 Achievements 06. 2009 2009 Freelance Interpreter Applied Language Solutions interpreted within a regeneration of face to face ( on site ) settings , mainly between Public Service Private assignments ensured that the readings delivered are as accurate as possible assured that can handle all professional translation interpreting needs ensured that at every point in the translation process , quality checks are built in EditCov er Letter Plain Text Cover Letter Attachments Relevant Files File bod Date Comments Yes Cover Letter. docx 30/Nov/10 Yes Alex CV. docx 30/Nov/10 This file includes a curriculum vitae from which prefatorial candidate information has been extracted. EditQuestionnaire Please indicate your current location. (Address details and post code, we will use this when deciding on your assessment centre location). 62 Blandford Road Manchester M6 6BE Do you excite a valid campaign licence for the country to which you are applying? Yes If you answered No to the above question, please can you provide us with more detail.I dont have a current driving licence because N/A Which of the following degrees do you shortly hold or are expecting to achieve? 21 or above If you have indicated a non UK degree or equivalent, please enter the details below (what exams? where were they sat? what was your grade? what is the grade casing? eg German Arbitur 1 4) N/A What level of UCAS points (excluding any gained through General Studies) do you have? More than or equal to 300 points Please use the space below to explain how you acheived your UCAS points or equivalents (what exams? here were they sat? what was your grade? what is the grade scale? eg German Arbitur 1 4, A-level Maths A grade / 120 points ) Matura English 75% Mathematics 80% Geography 66% Cultural Studies Very beloved Business Very broad(a) Computer Science Very Good Civil Defence Good Social Science Good We require trainees to be flexible to relocate anywhere in the UK whilst end their graduate programme. Are you prepared to do this? Yes Whilst at university , what has been the highest level of your involvment with clubs, societies or police squad ups? Leader, president or team captain Describe a time when you worked under pressure to complete a depict or line of reasoning. (Character limit 1500 inc. spaces) What made the placement challenging? How did you approach that challenges? What actions did you take to complete your project or task? I was introduced to the analytical and financial techniques that are commonly used by commercial accountants and fund managers when lay downing financial strategy and portfolio investment. The project was given to submit within a week time. The challenging situation was the word count of 5000.I am not the guy who can type stories, I get the facts I try to make that short and clear. just this project needed to be done the way that instructor wanted. I am perpetually motivated to achieve high results and I am always ready to work hard. I decided not to waste any time so I have took the necessary books and start writing the very first day. I have successfully completed the project with 76%. In thanks to this task I have sharpened focus on business operations and functional areas. I developed a wide range of personal skills vital to any business and management career.I have learned how to make extensive use of the time frame by plann ing everything in advance. Outline an occasion where you found it punishing to establish an effective working consanguinity with a colleague. (Character limit 1500 inc. spaces) How did you build the relationship? What challenges did you face? How did your manage those challenges? What did you learn from the experience? The most difficult time to establish an effective working relationship with my colleague happened ding my first year at the university. It was a company of five members with different backgrounds. I build the relationship by becoming their friend.It was not easy because each(prenominal) one of them was completely different. However they had one thing in common always ready to party. I already knew that it will be difficult to submit the project on time. However step by step I have became one of them by making a gloomy party with all of the team members. Then I have introduced my plan how to deliver the project on time and achieve high mark. They trusted me and understood that it is crucial to work as a collection not as an individual. I learned that sometimes you have to think outside the box and be creative to achieve an effective targets. Describe a time when you had to work hard to influence a group or a variety of individuals to deliver a project or achieve a critical objective. (Character limit 1500 inc. spaces) How did you influence the group? What was the most challenging thing about influencing them? How did you know you pick out the right approach? At Salford University we had to work in groups of five or six people. Then submit banking industry and establish what is the product range. Determine how those products are promoted to consumers. Finally Compare the practices against the theory in the scope of the chosen organisation.To influence the group effectively I had crate some database about my group members (nationality, age, hobby etc. ) To influence them they need to feel that I am one of them, which I did before choosi ng the team leader. The next day I was elected to be a team leader therefore I had many responsibilities. I have organised everybody by giving them specific targets to achieve. I was confirming that all of the members look through interim reports, which were spread through the group. Then I had to make sure that the group is functioning well and the bonding between the members is helping the group feel more comfortable with each other.The crucial and the most challenging thing about influencing them it was monitoring and creating positive image of the well discharge project even if there were some difficulties. I had to show that I am controlling everything and neer panic, no matter what was happening. When the team understood that I can handle all of the issue by being calm and giving an appropriate feedback, I was fully trusted and the team members quickly select my approach. Powered by Bottom of Form Footer Menu * Legal * Site owner * Trademarks * privacy * Site map * 2008 Mars, Incorporated and its Affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Compare & Contrast Woodchucks and Traveling Through the Dark Essay
Max Kumins , Woodchucks provides an interesting and creative positioning Into the mind state of those influenced by Nazi warf ar. What begins as a seemingly Humorous cat and reversal hunt, soon develops into an insatiable lust for blood. However, locomotion through the Dark by William Stafford, presents an innocent soul garbled by the unawareness of man and the death of an unborn innocent. two Kumins and Staffords descriptive diction and overall story provides the reader with the insight necessary to understand to the verbalizers psychology as they are driven beyond the boundaries of pacifism and genocide. The poem Woodchucks indeed has a rhyme scheme, yet doesnt conform to conventional forms of rhyme , each stanza seems to come up the order of A, B, C, A, C, B, which may not be ostensible to the reader at scratch line, but doesnt hinder the poems effectiveness. The first stanza begins with the speaker describing their failed set kayoed at eliminating the pests.The first attempt was described as merciful The Knockout bomb bone. However, the spare-time activity lines offer a bit of humor to the chase as it seems the woodchuck has outsmarted the speaker as a result of their overconfidence and the case we had against them was airtight, both exits shoehorned shut with puddingstone, but they had a sub-sub-basement out of range. This first stanza sets the stage for what would appear to be a humorous battle of wits between the speaker and the woodchucks.While in Traveling through the Dark consist of no rhyme scheme, and follows a broody tone, that comes from the decision of life and death, which sets the moods of the poem include sadness, despair. The following stanza continues in this vein with the cynical statement, Next morning they turned up again, no worse for the cyanide than we for our cigarettes and state-store Scotch, all of us up to scratch. However, those that follow are slowly indicative of the speakers mental deterioration.The statements o f the food being eaten by the woodchucks are filled with bitterness as the language begins to resemble that of a killer. They brought down the marigolds as a head of course and then took over the vegetable patch nipping the broccoli shoots, beheading the carrots. This is especially perspicuous in the reference to the carrots being beheaded which provides an appropriate transition into the next stanza. On the other overstep Staffords poem uses the use of nonliteral language, like alliteration, and imagery in order to bring in the put off emotions that come with being forced to make a life threatening decision.The poem by Stafford, Traveling through the Dark presents readers with an uncomfortable and rather grim instance of the intersection of the natural world and that of man. Technology, in this case cars and the man-made road, are seen as something invasive and harmful in this poem. In order to convey the meaning of the poem Traveling through the Dark by William Stafford uses a conversational style to come about the theme in the poem of the role of technology in modern life and , more importantly, the theme of man versus nature becomes apparent.Then again Kumin presents a sense of human air vs. animal behavior in a way that allows the symbolism of World War II to come through. Through out the poems, both poets not only convey an everyday scene into an underlying theme, by the use of figurative language and the selection of words and phrases. Common themes of the poems are life, death, and conflicting forces lie in each poem. Both poets allow for an underlying theme to be portrayed in a way that reflects on the real scene of the poem.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Positive effects of media
The media influences mass in different federal agencys, some imperious and some negative. It is Important to realize although media lot have a positive effect on companionship too much exposure to television, computers, or magazines earth-closet evanesce to unhealthy effects. The media gives people a way to yoke with one a nonher through give-and- deliberate updates or crimson cordial networking. Most everyone wakes up in the morning grabs the newspaper, computer, or flips on the television to civilise themselves on the publicly fortuitys of that day.According to Manali oak tree author of Positive Effects of the Media, Research has revealed that media Is responsible for influencing a major(ip) part of our daily life. Media use up to a transformation in the cultural and kindly values of the masses. Medla can bring about a change in the attitudes and beliefs of the common man. The persuasive nature of the content presented everywhere media influences the thoughts an d behavior of the general public. Medla has a direct impact over the lifestyle of society. The media gives society a way to come together and aim us as a whole. With this education we argon able to stigma crucial decisions toward elections, polls, or whatsoever other vent that affects everyone In our country. -Friends and Relations Social networks started as a place to connect with your friends In an easy and favourable way. Truly speaking, numerous of you might have give way up your old pals from school or college who were out of extend to due to one reason or other, substanti anyy I would say I have and I thank complaisant networks for this.Social networks has provided us the opportunity to connect with people and bulld better relationships with friends with whom we are unable to meet personally, and let them know about our life and get under ones skin Input about their lives and events happening with them. Reducing communication Barriers With mixer networks we are able to snuff it our thoughts and perceptions over different heads with a large get of audiences, and raise our voice. The sharing feature available on the affectionate networks collects your opinion about any topic reach huge number of people (even to those who are not on your friends list).We have the option to make groups with people who are Ilke minded and share the related news 1 OF2 wltn tnem ana ask Tor tnelr oplnlon or Input aoout tne toplc. Slmply tnere are a number of options available for us to pass by with others on these affectionate etworks. -Opportunities for Businesses Social networks have become a crucial part of many of us. We dont even notice this but as soon as we turn out our desktops or laptops to access the web, we sub- consciously open our favorite well-disposed network Just to see about the updates received.Businesses have noticed the value of social networks in our life, and they are using different techniques to promote their products. There are a num ber of customized applications worldness made on the social platforms, whose main purpose is to promote the product or brand. As social marketing is cost effective and brands have a huge udience, they are shifting more towards social marketing. Without the media, most people would know little of events beyond their immediate neighborhood. The further one goes outside of ones cockroach of friends and family, the more time-consuming and expensive it becomes to get information.Very few, if any, individuals have the resources to stay independently informed of world events. With the news, however, all one has to do is turn on a television or turn to the Internet. make up when it is slanting or limited, it is a demonstrate of what is happening around the world. The more sources one compares, the more entire the picture that can be ut together. In addition to the media conglomerates, there are also a prototype of independent news outlets, though they have a much smaller audience.So me of these provide an utility(a) ken of events and often strive to publish stories that cannot be found in the mainstream media. Technological advances in many change (primarily Western) countries make it possible to read papers and watch broadcasts from around the globe. While language skills can be a barrier, it is possible to live in the United States and watch Arab-language broadcasts from the Middle East, or to get on the Internet and read scores of Chinese newspapers. Having access to these alternative voices limits the power of monopolies over information.Another grievous gain ground of a functioning mass news media is that information can be relayed quickly in generation of crisis. Tornado and hurricane announcement can give large populations advance warning and allow them to take precautions and go forward out of harms way. In a country suffering war, a radio broadcast outlining where the modish rubbish is can alert people to areas to keep off. In quieter times, the media can publish other useful announcements, from trade reports to how to avoid getting HIV. It is a stabilizing and civilizing force.Positive Effects of MediaThe media influences people in different ways, some positive and some negative. It is important to realize although media can have a positive effect on society too much exposure to television, computers, or magazines can lead to unhealthy effects. The media gives people a way to connect with one another through news updates or even social networking. Most everyone wakes up in the morning grabs the newspaper, computer, or flips on the television to educate themselves on the worldly happenings of that day. According to Manali Oak author of Positive Effects of the Media,Research has revealed that media is responsible for influencing a major part of our daily life. Media contribute to a transformation in the cultural and social values of the masses. Media can bring about a change in the attitudes and beliefs of the common ma n. The persuasive nature of the content presented over media influences the thoughts and behavior of the general public. Media has a direct impact over the lifestyle of society.The media gives society a way to come together and educate us as a whole. With this education we are able to make crucial decisions toward elections, polls, or any other event that affects everyone in our country.Friends and RelationsSocial networks started as a place to connect with your friends in an easy and convenient way. Truly speaking, many of you might have found your old pals from school or college who were out of touch due to one reason or other, well I would say I have and I thank social networks for this. Social networks has provided us the opportunity to connect with people and build better relationships with friends with whom we are unable to meet personally, and let them know about our life and take input about their lives and events happening with them.Reducing Communication BarriersWith socia l networks we are able to communicate our thoughts and perceptionsover different topics with a large number of audiences, and raise our voice. The sharing feature available on the social networks makes your opinion about any topic reach huge number of people (even to those who are not on your friends list). We have the option to make groups with people who are like minded and share the related news with them and ask for their opinion or input about the topic. Simply there are a number of options available for us to communicate with others on these social networks.Opportunities for BusinessesSocial networks have become a crucial part of many of us. We dont even notice this but as soon as we open our desktops or laptops to access the web, we sub-consciously open our favorite social network just to see about the updates received. Businesses have noticed the value of social networks in our life, and they are using different techniques to promote their products. There are a number of cus tomized applications being made on the social platforms, whose main purpose is to promote the product or brand. As social marketing is cost effective and brands have a huge audience, they are shifting more towards social marketing.Without the media, most people would know little of events beyond their immediate neighborhood. The further one goes outside of ones solidifying of friends and family, the more time-consuming and expensive it becomes to get information. Very few, if any, individuals have the resources to stay independently informed of world events. With the news, however, all one has to do is turn on a television or turn to the Internet. Even when it is biased or limited, it is a picture of what is happening around the world. The more sources one compares, the more accurate the picture that can be put together.In addition to the media conglomerates, there are also a throw off of independent news outlets, though they have a much smaller audience. Some of these provide an alternative view of events and often strive to publish stories that cannot be found in the mainstream media. Technological advances in many industrialized (primarily Western) countries make it possible to read papers and watch broadcasts from around the globe. While language skills can be a barrier, it is possible to live in the United States andwatch Arab-language broadcasts from the Middle East, or to get on the Internet and read scores of Chinese newspapers. Having access to these alternative voices limits the power of monopolies over information.Another important benefit of a functioning mass news media is that information can be relayed quickly in times of crisis. Tornado and hurricane announcement can give large populations advance warning and allow them to take precautions and move out of harms way. In a country suffering war, a radio broadcast outlining where the latest fighting is can alert people to areas to avoid. In quieter times, the media can publish other useful annou ncements, from traffic reports to how to avoid getting HIV. It is a stabilizing and civilizing force.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay
Char beters huckleberry Finn The protagonist and narrator of the tonic. huckaback is the thirteen-year-old son of the local drunk of St. Petersburg, Missouri, a t let on the multiple sclerosis River. Tom Sawyer huckabacks fri cease. Tom serves as a dumbfound to huckaback imaginative, dominating, and given to wild plans taken from the plots of adventure tonics, Tom is every issue that huckaback is non.Widow Douglas and Miss Watson two wealthy sisters who detain together in a large house in St. Petersburg and who adopt huck. Jim matchless of Miss Watsons household slaves. Jim is superstitious and occasion each(prenominal)y sentimental, only he is besides intelligent, practical, and ultimately much of an adult than whatever bingle else in the novel. Pap huckabacks sustain, the t have drunk and neer-do-well. Pap is a wreck when he appears at the beginning of the novel, with disgusting, ghost alike(p) white skin and tattered clothes.Plot The com arrange is all virtu ally a young boy named huckaback, and a slave named Jim. huckaback had faked his death and left(p) t ingest and then met the runa itinerary slave,Jim.The two of them travel on a raft up the Mississippi river and meet and have to oer ascend some a nonher(prenominal) an some other(prenominal) obstacles which bring them closer together as they two postulate lessons all the way by to the end.Conflict When huckabacks dealings with Jim, as huck moldiness decide whether to turn Jim in, as guild demands, or to protect and second his jockstrap instead. Climax When Huck con perspectivers but then decides against writing Miss Watson to tell her the Phelps family is holding Jim, hobby his conscience rather than the common object lessonity of the day. Instead, Tom and Huck try to shriveJim, and Tom is shot in the leg during the attempt. mischance When Aunt Polly arrives at the Phelps farm and correctly identifies Tom and Huck, Tom reveals that Miss Watson died two months earli er and laxd Jim in her will.Ending When Jim is free, Toms leg is healed, Huck yet has his $6,000, and Aunt Sally has offered to adopt him.Lesson knowledgecapableI learned thatI learned that we should never judge pack by their appearances.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn EssayThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn touches upon debatable racial issues that m each peck believe be not appropriate for young children. Understanding the novels satirical aspects requires a certain amount of intellectual maturity. Students below this level of aptitude whitethorn miscons certain the novels vulgar comments as racist, rather than an ironic portrayal of slavery. most people feel that the elementary and secondary aim students that construe the book will sole(prenominal) do the hand nigh issues of the novel and will overlook tail orthodontic bracess depiction that slavery is goodly wrong.It is a fallacy that junior in high spirits students would be blind to Twains underlying fibres. Th e renowned literary accomplishment should be used as a way to educate students rightful(prenominal) almost the cruelty that occurred in our nations past. Confronting these deep racial issues could educate students and eternal rest animated course relations. Huckleberry Finn should be see in schools prior to high school to familiarize students with grand social issues. Those that oppose Huckleberry Finns front line in elementary and secondary school curricula deal that its advanced material is not suitable for children of those ages.At this point, they argue, students have not fledged enough to form their own views and atomic number 18 susceptible to negative influences. indicant Huckleberry Finn would expose students to acts of prejudice and belittlement of the discolor population. For example, the repeated use of the rule book nigger is disrespectful and students should not go out it used so frivolously. This word not completely has a negative connotation, but i t is a monitor of the in equivalence that at unmatchable time existed and alienates scurrilouss. Furthermore, Jim, the black protagonist of the novel, is ridiculed and reduced to less than human by the novels conclusion.Jims denotation starts out as an enslaved black man oppressed by the white population. As he and Huck travel down the river, Jim gains confidence and the demoer take tos his true lore and lenience for Huck. provided shortly later, Jim gets pull offn into Tom Sawyers extravagant plan to free him, where he is once again at the mercy of early(a)s cruelty. This vicious degradation of a human macrocosm far to a fault advanced for young children to comprehend. Black students specifically may feel this material embarrassing and discomforting.Young students of other ethnicities may have not yet had experiences that t individually them the effects of this superpatriotic mentality and may see this sort as acceptable. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn uses lang uage that is offensive and contains sketch matter that illuminates the separation between races. Twain advisedly shares these truths in order to denounce and ironize the entire institution of slavery. The belief that elementary and secondary school students cannot meet Twains underlying intentions carry throughly underestimates their mental capa city.Discussing these issues could shape students ideas and thwart any judgmentualise derogatory notions. Leslie Fiedler, an advocate of Huck Finn praises the novel for, enabling us finallywithout denying our horror and guiltto prank therapeutically at the peculiar institution of slavery (Fiedler, 1984, Huckleberry Finn The Book We Love to Hate, p. 6). He sees the novel as a way to objectively address slavery and free our nation of its lasting burden. In a classroom telescope with the help of an instructor, every element of the write up would be explained.Teachers are important mentors that can get each student to an understanding of the evolution and importance of human rights. descriptive Outline Proposition Huckleberry Finn should be read in schools prior to high school because it is informative virtually important social issues. pattern Present the argument. germinate a position. Provide a concession to my position. suffer my position with specific reasons. carve up 1 Says Huckleberry Finn is a complex novel, yet young children would be able to understand and benefit from breeding it in a classroom setting. Does curses 1 introduces the topic. clock times 2 and 3 further develop the issue.Sentence 4 gives one view of the argument. Sentence 5 disproves the previous sentence. Sentences 6 and 7 support the latter side of the argument. Sentence 8 is the marriage offer of the essay. Paragraph 2 Says Elementary and secondary school students will misunderstand the purpose of the racial slurs in Huckleberry Finn. Does Sentence 1 closely(prenominal)izes the topic of the paragraph. Sentence 2 supports clarifies the fore qualifying sentence. Sentences 3 says the ultimate reason for this position. Sentences 4 and 5 state one reason that backs up this claim. Sentences 6, 7 and 8 state another reason for this claim with specific evidence from the novel.Sentence 9 connects these reasons to the proposition. Sentences 10 and 11 explain further the effects of this side of the argument. Paragraph 3 Says Students are on the whole capable and should read Huckleberry Finn in schools at an age before high school. Does Sentences 1 and 2 acknowledges the opinion in the reason paragraph as a transition into the opposing view point. Sentence 3 challenges the concession in the preceding paragraph. Sentence 4 gives a general reason supporting the initiative sentence. Sentence 5 is a direct quote from an advocate of Huck Finn that supports the proposition. Sentence 6 explains the quotation.Sentences 7 and 8 state two benefits of adhering to the proposition. Kaila McDonnell Concession Essay Sec ond Draft February 19, 2010 Moral Education through Literature The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn touches upon dis come outable racial issues that many people believe are not appropriate for young children. Understanding the satirical aspects of the novel require a certain level of intellectual maturity. epoch the book is read in many elementary and secondary school classrooms, some people feel that these students will only recognize the cock-a-hoop issues of the novel and will overlook the inherent moral value that all-day sucker Twain wishes to convey.If only the speedy context of the novel is interpreted, the book could be perceived as a sanction of racism. Students should be informed of the cruelty that occurred in our nations past. It is a fallacy that students in junior high would be blind to Twains underlying references that denounce slavery and discrimination. Confronting these deep racial issues could enlighten students and ease existing race relations. Huckleberry Fi nn should be read in schools prior to high school because it educates students approximately important social issues.Those that oppose Huckleberry Finns presence in elementary and secondary school curricula claim that the advanced material in the novel is not suitable for children of those ages. At this point, students have not grow enough to form their own views and are susceptible to negative influences. Reading Huckleberry Finn would expose students to acts of prejudice and belittlement of the black population. For example, the repeated use of the word nigger is disrespectful and is not something students should hear used so frivolously.This word not only beholds a negative connotation, but it is representative of blacks entire brutal fence with inequality. Further, Jim, the black protagonist of the novel, is ridiculed and reduced to less than human by the end of the novel. Jims character starts out as a typical enslaved black man oppressed by the white population. As he and H uck travel down the river, Jim loses his slave psychea as he gains confidence and the reader sees his true intelligence and compassion for Huck. Shortly after, Jim is involved in Tom Sawyers extravagant plan to free him, where he is once again at the mercy of others cruelty.This vicious degradation of a human being is far too advanced for children of a young age to comprehend. Black students specifically may find this material embarrassing and discomforting. Young students of other races may have not yet had experiences that taught them the effects of this chauvinistic mentality and may see this behavior as acceptable. The belief that students in elementary and secondary schools cannot underwrite the messages present in Huckleberry Finn is a complete underestimation of their mental capacity. Discussing these issues could shape students ideas and thwart any preconceived derogatory notions.Leslie Fiedler, an advocate of Huck Finn praises the novel for, enabling us finallywithout den ying our horror and guiltto laugh therapeutically at the peculiar institution of slavery (Fiedler, 1984, Huckleberry Finn The Book We Love to Hate, p. 6). He sees the novel as a way to objectively address slavery and free our nation of its lasting burden. In a classroom setting with the help of an instructor, every element of the story would be explained. Teachers are important mentors with their centering each student could reach a overflowing understanding of the evolution and importance of human rights.Descriptive Outline PROPOSITION Huckleberry Finn should be read in schools prior to high school because it is informative about important social issues. PLAN Present the argument. Take a position. Provide a concession to my position. Confirm my position with specific reasons. PARAGRAPH 1 Says Huckleberry Finn is a complex novel, yet young children would be able to understand and benefit from reading it in a classroom setting. Does Sentences 1 and 2 introduce the topic. Sentences 3 and 4 give one view of the argument. Sentence 5 serves as the link to the next idea.Sentences 6 and 7 state the other side of the argument. Sentence 8 is the proposition of the essay. PARAGRAPH 2 Says Some believe that students are not be on enough at an elementary or secondary school level to see Huckleberry Finn for what its worth. Does Sentence 1 states the topic of the paragraph. Sentence 2 supports clarifies the preceding sentence. Sentences 3 says the ultimate reason for this position. Sentences 4 and 5 state one reason that backs up this claim. Sentences 6, 7 and 8 state another reason for this claim with specific evidence from the novel. Sentence 9 connects these reasons to the proposition.Sentences 10 and 11 explain further the effects of this side of the argument. PARAGRAPH 3 Says Students are entirely capable and should read Huckleberry Finn in schools at an age before high school. Does Sentence 1 disproves the concession in the preceding paragraph. Sentence 2 gives a general reason supporting the first sentence. Sentence 3 is a direct quote from an advocate of Huck Finn that supports the proposition. Sentence 4 explains the quotation. Sentences 5 and 6 say just why the proposition is true. Kaila McDonnell Concession Essay Draft February 16, 2010 Moral Education through LiteratureThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn touches upon many racial issues that many people believe is not appropriate for young children. Understanding the satirical aspects of the novel require a certain level of intellectual maturity. While the book is read in many elementary and secondary school classrooms, some people feel that these students will only recognize the prominent issues of the novel and will overlook the inherent subject matter that Mark Twain wishes to convey. If only the immediate context of the novel is interpreted, the book could be perceived as a sanction of racism. barely, now over a century since the first emancipation of slaves, the enactment of slavery should not be forgotten. Students should be aware of the cruelty that occurred in our nations past. It is a fallacy that students in junior high would be blind to Twains underlying references that denounce slavery and discrimination. Confronting these deep racial issues could enlighten students and ease existing race relations. Huckleberry Finn should be read in schools prior to high school because it is informative about important social issues.Those that oppose Huckleberry Finns presence in elementary and secondary school curriculums claim that the advanced material in the novel is not suitable for children of those ages. At this point, students have not matured enough to form their own views and are still susceptible to negative influences. Reading Huckleberry Finn would expose students to situations that are prejudice and belittling to the black population for example, the repeated use of the word nigger in reference to blacks. This word not only beholds a negative connotation, but it is representative of blacks entire brutal struggle with inequality.Further, Jim, the symbolism of the black community in the novel, is ridiculed and reduced to less than human by the end of the novel. This subject matter is far too advanced for children of a young age to understand its significance. Black students specifically may find this material embarrassing and discomforting, while students of other races may see this chauvinistic behavior as acceptable. The belief that students in elementary and secondary schools cannot handle the messages present in Huckleberry Finn is a complete underestimation of their mental capacity.At a young age, students should not learn to be blind to important issues, such as race relations. Leslie Fiedler, an advocate of Huck Finn says that he would have parents, prize Twains dangerous and equivocal novel not in spite of its use of that wicked epithet, but for the way in which he manages to ironize it enabling us finallywithout denying our horror and guiltto laugh therapeutically at the peculiar institution of slavery. Prior to high school is when students are developing their own opinions and need to be guided to proper moral judgment.Huckleberry Finn addresses many relevant moral issues. In a classroom setting with the help of an instructor, every element of the story would be explained and each student could reach a secure understanding of the evolution and importance of human rights. Descriptive Outline PROPOSITION Huckleberry Finn should be read in schools prior to high school because it is informative about important social issues. PLAN Present the argument. Take a position. Provide a concession to my position. Confirm my position with specific reasons.PARAGRAPH 1Says Huckleberry Finn is a complex novel, yet young children would be able to understand and benefit from reading it in a classroom setting. Does Sentences 1 and 2 introduce the topic. Sentences 3 and 4 give one view of the argument. Sentence 5 serves as the link to the next idea. Sentence 6 states the other side of the argument. Sentences 7 and 8 state and verify the proposition of the essay. PARAGRAPH 2 Says Some believe that students are not mature enough at an elementary or secondary school level to see Huckleberry Finn for what its worth. Does Sentence 1 states the topic of the paragraph.Sentence 2 supports clarifies the preceding sentence. Sentences 3, 4 and 5 say why this position is believable with specific evidence from the novel. Sentences 6 and 7 state the importance and relevance of the prior examples. PARAGRAPH 3 Says Students are entirely capable and should read Huckleberry Finn in schools at an age before high school. Does Sentence 1 disproves the concession in the preceding paragraph. Sentence 2 expands upon the first sentence. Sentence 3 is a direct quote from an advocate of Huck Finn that supports the proposition. Sentences 4, 5, and 6 say why in fact the proposition is true.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essa yErnest Hemingway probably summed it up best when he said, All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn (source). Were dealing with quite a book here. publish in 1885, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twains follow-up to the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, carved invigorated territory into the American literary landscape in several ways.As one of the first novels to use a specific arenas vernacular in its narration, the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn set a precedent for many other distinctly American works to follow. Some readers didnt exactly get this new colloquial style, however. Accustomed to the proper prose of Hawthorne, Thoreau, and Emerson, some readers didnt know what to do with Hucks particular way of storytelling.Aside from the novels new style of writing, Twains decision to use thirteen-year-old Huck as the narrator allowed him to entangle certain content that a more civilized narrator probably would have left out. At first, Twain s novel was labeled crass by some readers. The book was even verboten in schools for its use of the n-word which is ironic, given that the novel is up in arms over slavery. Even today, the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn makes proscribed Books lists.Look moresocial satire essayTwains novel jumped head first into one of the biggest issues of its day racism. Although the Emancipation Proclamation had been signed over two decades before Huckleberry Finns airplane pilot publication date, African-Americans everywhere were still victims of oppression and racism. They were technically free, but often by name only in Reconstruction-era America. many another(prenominal) southerners were bitter about the outcome of the Civil War.By guiding his characters through several states of the Confederacy, Twain was able to reveal the hypocrisy of many pre-war southern communities. As a southerner him egotism, Twain had first-hand experiences to draw on, and he was able to walk the fine line between reallyistic depiction and ironic farce. non to mention, Twain created the now-iconic character of Jim, a runaway slave who convinces Huck that African-Americans are deserving of freedom, and thatequality is a goal for which we all should be fighting.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is now considered to be one of the Great American Novels, mostly referable to how it so heartily champions the American ideals of freedom, independence, and rugged individualism. Hucks dedication to his own moral standards and his overvaliant hotshot of adventure and self-sufficiency have earned him a place in the All-American Hall of Fame. In addition, Twain is a hilarious storyteller, and the plot of this novel is a roller-coaster ride of moral dilemmas so deposit us when we say that if you havent taken the ride yet, you probably should.Why Should I perplexity?Mark Twain wrote Adventures of Huckleberry Finn twenty years after the American Civil War. Slavery had been abolished, and the North a nd conspiracy were fashioning up (albeit with some residual anger). So why publish a highly moralistic tale about a system that was no longer in place? Werent race issues a moot point once slavery was out of the picture?Hardly. Freedom didnt pissed equality by any means not legally, socially, or practically. (See Shmoop Historys Jim Crow in America for more.) Actually, come to think of it, this isnt an outdated notion at all. Rules and laws often dont accurately reflect whats really exit on. From a legal standpoint today, we have equality of race yet racism is still a problem. Men and women are equal, yet many still see a glass ceiling for women in the workplace, meaning they often have invisible boundaries to advancement.That doesnt mean laws are useless.Laws may not immediately effect swap, but weve seen that they do precede channel. While laws can affect how people act, it takes more to metamorphose the way we think. We cant rely on laws alone. Thats where The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn comes back into the picture. We need people like Mark Twain to re psyche us not to be self-congratulatory for starting a process in motion, but instead to realize that greater change is always necessary.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn EssayWhat Huck finally realizes is that tones questions should be answered from the heart. He also decides that humans has evolved into a corrupt species whose ideas arent worth the headache. His answer is to run social club and all of its constraints and live in nature where he is free from civilization. Holden has a tougher decision to make since he moldiness completely reverse his thinking. The first step is to realize his hypocrisy which he was able to do. Even though he was able to achieve this, it couldnt sincerely solve his problem and he was forced to examine professional help in the end.Fortunately, both(prenominal) characters ultimately progress onto the next step by some means extraneous the conformity of normality . The Journey towards Maturity and Identity Life itself is a trip full of bonding and experiences which lead to wisdom and understanding. Without maturity one may never have these life doctrine experiences. This leads to an empty shell of a person never truly feeling passion, love or peace. In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huck Finn is assay to find purpose and individuation operator through his moral interlocking with family, while Holden Caulfield in The backstop in the rye whiskey by J.D. Salinger is an adolescent struggling to mature into manhood. In comparison they are both on a journey towards maturity and identity. Holden and Huck are like in their threshold crossing, road of trials, and flee and return. The threshold crossing is the place or the person that the character crosses over or through into the zone unknown, being the place where journey into self discovery begins. Many times the call to their adventure includes going by desire, chance, a bduction, or by being lured by an orthogonal force.In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck is forced with the dilemma of whether to last out with his father and continue to be abused or to leave. Huck leaves because he desires to begin his journey. He also realizes that he will be forced to choose between his morals and his conscience, and will have to decide which of these morals to hold true. Huck also witnesses a symbolic death. He sets up his fathers cabin to look like he was brutally murdered. He emerges from this as a runaway child and now must be careful of what he does so that he does not get caught.He tells people false aliases for himself so that no one knows his true identity. either time Huck does this, he is symbolically dying and re-emerging a more experienced person. At this point, Huck is now on his way to begin his journey into self discovery. Just like Huck, Holden also crosses over into the zone unknown, but starts his journey in a diametric way. Holden Ca ulfield is a very privileged kid. throughout his life, his parents were able to send him to wealthy private schools hoping he would mature and begin to learn more about his own self.His call to adventure comes because he is mentally torn between experience and innocence. It would seem to him that an outside force is luring him to do something, but in actuality he is beginning his journey because of his desire. It is evident that Holden cares nothing about school and about his own education. He wants to leave so he can begin the journey of self discovery and escape the phoniness that surrounds him. Holdens symbolic death is very similar to Hucks. Holden also uses fake names, but he symbolically dies through fainting, changing the position of his red hunting hat, and his crosstie with bathrooms.The bathroom motif, or the reoccurring appearance of the bathroom, symbolizes death for Holden because he enters bathrooms with a neurotic and pragmatic frame of mind and exits with a cleared mind. The symbolic death is what gets Holden and Huck onto their journeys and into the road of trials, where they experience many things that will change them forever. The road of trials is where most of the characters journey takes place. It is on the road of trials that the character begins to experience different obstacles that will change his life forever.For Huck Finn, his learning adventure takes place on the Mississippi River. Huck finds freedom on the river and it is here that he truly learns about himself. stock-still, he still faces problems with moral decisions of right and wrong and fortune a runaway slave to achieve freedom. Hucks companions in traveling is Jim. As anti- society that Huck is, you would think that he would have no qualms about helping Jim. just Huck has to have feelings that slavery is correct so we can see the ignorance of racial bigotry.Huck and Jims journey begins as Huck fights within himself about turning Jim over to the authorities, but he decid es not to. This is a monumental decision because it shows that Huck has decided to turn his back on everything home stands for, and that his true moral identity is slowly shining through. Even though Huck has made his decision about Jim, early in the voyage we see Hucks attitude change towards Jim as racist. in conclusion Huck plays a mean trick on Jim, It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger but I done it, and I wasnt ever sorry for it afterward, neither.Again, we see Hucks attitude changing when later in the story Huck saves Jim from two slave catchers by tricking them to think Jim is Hucks small pox ridden father. What is going through Hucks mind as he alters his attitude on Jim, is unknown, however, his own identity is one that is truly caring and just. When Huck encounters the Grangerfords and the Shepardsons, he becomes aware of the hypocrisy of the familys feud with each other. When attending church with them, he is amazed tha t while a minister preaches about brotherly love, both the Grangerfords and the Shepardsons are carrying weapons.When the feud erupts, Huck hides in a tree wishing he never came ashore. The river allows Huck the one thing that he wants to be, and that is Huck. It is the river and what Huck encounters on the river that helps him to mature and to find purpose behind his own true identity. As Huck learned his identity on his adventure, Holden does much of same on his, so as to mature and to accomplish the journey of self discovery. Holden Caulfields road of trials takes place from Pencey Prep to newfangled York City. Holden deals with his own mental hallucinations, cognitive disotience, and his desire to stay innocent.At the start of Holdens journey, he appears to be a very irresponsible person. When he is assigned to look after his schools fencing equipment, he leaves the equipment on the train. He does not care about what he has done and does not even want to go back and look for it . Also, his attitude towards learning are atrocious, and when he finally flunks out of school, he does not bother to tell his parents. Instead, he escapes to New York City where he begins to learn things about himself and about others. However before he goes, he decides to visit his social studies instructor, who flunked him, to say good-bye.Also, he visits his previous English teacher to tell him he has flunked out of yet another school. Maturity is evident because he is trying to prevail relationships with people he cares about. Along his journey, though, small changes suggest that Holden is growing up. He was once very stingy and did not like to share. However when he encounters two poor nuns travelling to another church, he gives them a large portion of his remaining property. This is a major step in Holdens own self discovery. Holden requires much help to come to terms with his maturity.Even though he constantly speaks as if he is experienced in connection and bonding, they were always just facades. Even when in the city Holden feels he is topnotch to his environment because he has a false knowledge of it and its workings. This is shown when he wants to have a important relationship with his old friend June but does not know how to come to grips on how. Despite of all he thinks he knows he is really only the faker he despises. While in the city Holden finds much comfort when with his sister Phoebe.When Holden first checks into the hotel, he is depressed and wants to call Phoebe but doesnt because its too late. But I certainly wouldnt have minded shooting the old realize with Phoebe for a while. In comparison, Holden and Huck in their adventures show that they choose to live in a decadent society in order to help other live as they wish to live rather than to withdraw in order to preserve their own scruples or force their own brand of salvation on others. The road of trials that both Holden and Huck experienced helped them to mature and find their o wn true identities.What Holden went through helped him to grow, and what Huck experienced helped him to mature. This now brings way to their flee and return where both Huck and Holden are forced to make decisions with where they want to go. The flee and return comes after the character completes his obstacles and is allowed to return to reality, the real domain of a function. At this point, the characters have now mentally vainglorious and have shown new signs of maturity. Huck and Holden are both social misfits and want to escape civilization. After Huck frees Jim, he chooses to set out for new territory.He has arrived at maturity and self sufficiency and he is poised at the end in a delicate balance. So many things Huck witnessed like the cheating of the King and Duke, the lack of caring by the townspeople for Boggs, the naive of the Wilks sisters, and the lack of common mind by Tom Sawyer guided him to making the right moral choices. Throughout the adventure you have Huck Finn trying to find the one thing he could only find on the river, freedom, but a person can only stay on the river for so long, and so you have to go on land to face the injustices of society. As bumpy as it seems its true.Huck may never understand why society is the way it is, but his flee is from all thats wrong. However Holden Caulfield has nowhere to set out to. Consequently he is placed in a mental institution where he is forced to accept his own problems. Holden is fated at the detailed age of 16 years, to fall from innocence, to experience the death of the old self and to arise a new Holden to confront the world afresh. The flee and return for both characters comes at the end of their journeys because now they have liberal and have understood more about the societys they each live in.Huck wants to just set out and find new territory. He wants to flee to nature where he is free from civilization. In Holdens case, he has to realize his hypocrisy and accept that his problem force d him to get professional help in the end. Holden and Huck are similar in their threshold crossing, road of trials, and flee and return. Both Holden and Huck completed their own journeys to become more complete individuals. Children have an innocent perception of the world around them, but as adults we realize the world is not black and white but various colours.Huck and Holdens journeys can be compared to the metamorphosis which a caterpillar goes through. The caterpillar starts out innocent (black and white) and goes through stages or obstacles to become a butterfly. In the end the caterpillar emerges colourful as well as more complete and experienced. Salinger has embodied in his novel a dream of innocence, of a sincere elaboration in the characters and has made it during general aiming at success and enrichment, and consequently, and on moral indiscriminateness.Holden Caulfield has become a diverseness of common noun, a person possessing the thinnest sense of what he called f alseness, artificiality, a pose, self-deception and narcissism. And his hero was relieve oneself to leave school, lose privileges and material security in order to keep this granted to him the god direction to the truth. America has easily forgotten a moral climate of war. But Salinger with his military experience did not want to give in to vanity. In his works there are no absolutely any political implied senses.But his heroes always are in obstinate, though and not demonstrative opposition to authorities, including ascendence of opinions accepted by all. If this authority too presses on the hero, he runs away from it. Holden Caulfield has remarkable predecessors in the American literature Huckleberry Finn in the XIXth a century and the hero of Hemingway Jack Barns in the XXth. When Huck felt that he cant bear any more the close frameworks of public establishments, he ran away on the river, in a wood, in the places which were yet not habitable by people. And Hemingways Barns l eft afield for France.But the uninhabited grounds are not present more. The abroad is inaccessible to the teenager, and for Holden Caulfield there is no place to leave, except for how to leave in itself. Salingers works belong to the old American cultural tradition revealing discrepancy of the validity to democratic ideals, the contradiction between material progress and sacred impoverishment of the person. The aversion of the world around is combined by Salinger with searches of strong values on which it is likely to build, as he said, a life which is beautiful and peaceful.The novel The Catcher in the Rye rejected the conformist like-mindedness and consumer way of life. Teenager Holden Caulfield sharply feels the dissonance in a society, school and family relations through the false world of adults. To a certain extent the novel has expressed moods of the writer and sociologist P. Goodman who has referred a phenomenon of public immaturity to that part of youth which did not wish to mature. The society is deprived of becoming purposes. However the writer did not become isolated in self-sufficing negativism.Freedom for Caulfield it doesnt not end in himself, and society seems to him hostile, first of all, because it does not allow make disinterested, kind businesses. The impossibility to reconcile with the existing causes confusion in Caulfields soul. Salinger accents infantilism of the hero that is not a tribute to a literary fashion, but conscious authors reception. Defects of the bourgeois world are especially evident if to take a pure, natural glance from the country of the childhood. The generality of Caulfields picture of the world with a vital position of other natural people of 50th is doubtless.Honesty and freshness of a sight, and also the constant Caulfields aspiration for revolt (fighting, runaway from school, etc. ) gave to Salingers to narration a strong conflict desktop what made his novel rather popular. Huckleberry Finn of the Bilber ry and Holden Caulfield undertake trip to self-opening. Huck also tries to find the worthy purpose and identity among inconsistent morals. While Holden Caulfield in the Catcher in the Rye is the teenager who is trying to find a maturity and courage.On comparison, both of them are on their way maturity and identity as the life is a long trip as well. Huckleberry Finn a young boy decision making which of morals to follow. Searches of what way is correct are long and confusing. During his adventure he is compelled to choose between his moral and his conscience. When he faces hunters of generosity, he is compelled to make one of these decisions. He should choose whether to turn in his impetuous friend to the slave. Fortunately, his desire is strong, and he resorts to a complex lie in order to prevent Jims capture.Huck searches for a refuge in area where the lie does not exist and the beauty of a life will be what is really important.Bibliography 1. Salinger, J. D. The catcher in the r ye. Little, Brown & Co. 2002. 2. Christopher Brookeman, Pencey Preppy Cultural Codes in The Catcher in the Rye, in New Essays on The Catcher in the Rye, Ed. Jack Salzman, Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1991, 57-76 3. Pinsker, S. , Pinsker, A.. Understanding The Catcher in the Rye. Greenwood Press, 1999. 4. Constant, P. Just Like The Catcher in the Rye. Seattles Only Books Section. 2006.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn EssayThe name comes from the biblical phrase casting pearls before swine. This shows how Hester felt about the people in town who judged her based on her mistakes. She never tried to hide Pearl. In fact, she did quite the opposite by dressing her in exposit dresses. Hester basically cast her pearl before the swine of the community who condemned her for her wrong-doings. The author used several other symbols in his novel that all could have been and are seen differently in each persons eyes.Mark Twain, much like Nathaniel Hawthorne, uses many different symbols i n his Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck and Jim travel along the river on a raft which symbolizes something like a utopian world. Before their journey began, their lives were hard. Jim was a slave, as he is a Negro therefore he was treated as property, which is rather self-explanatory. Huck was living very unhappily as an orphan with the Widow. He felt somewhat trapped because he was being raised an entirely different way than he was meant to be.He wanted to be free, an impossible idea delinquent to the way he was being raised. As they begin their journey along the river, the raft gives them a sense of hope. On the raft, Huck and Jim can be whoever they want to be. There is no one to tell them how to act or what to do. In their eyes, the life on the raft is perfection, in itself. The Mississippi River begins as the ultimate symbol of freedom for Jim and Huck. Literally, Jim is searching for freedom from his being enslaved. Figuratively, Huck is searching for freedom from living with fear of his father and from becoming civilized.They find this freedom as they float along the river. As time passes, however, the river becomes more of a symbol of life, in general, and all its misleadings and injustices. Despite their newfound freedom, they find they are not completely free from the evils and influences of the towns and the rivers banks. The river also brings them into contact with criminals, wrecks, and stolen property. This is the severinging point at which reality intrudes upon them and their raft paradise. The Mississippi River truly represents a false sense of freedom and the reality of life.Uncertainty of the future is seen in Jackson Island. On one hand, it symbolizes a life in which Huckleberry and Jim can live exactly the way theyd like to free of scrutiny and judgment for the way they are. On another hand, however, life on the island would mean living in fear of being found and sent back to the wretched lives they escaped from. Again, like Hawthor ne, Twains novel contains numerous other examples of symbolism and each can have a different meaning, depending on the examiner. There are so many forms of symbolism in todays world and novels.Life, itself, can even be considered a symbol for something. However, no matter how many different types of symbolisms you come across in your lifetime, there will always be someone who sees their meanings differently than you. The old dictum goes along perfectly with this idea. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Symbolism is in the eye of the beholder. Show drone only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn EssayGrowing up, children are often told things that grown ups would question, as people grow they learn to question those things too. In the book The Adventures of Hucklberry Finn written by Mark Twain. Huck faces the challenge of either following what e veryone is telling him is right, but he knows is wrong, or going against the penetrate and standing up for what he knows is right. Throughout the book Huck is unsure in what he believes and struggles to run into if what he is taught is wrong. The widow took over the role as guardian for Huck since his father and mother are both out of the picture.When Huck was being raised by his father he wasnt taught any morals or values, so the widow took this as an opportunity to make Huck into a person whose life was all about morals. In the book the widow tells Huck that hell is bad and that promised land is good, but Huck is unsure that he should believe everything that she is telling him. Huck decides that going to hell, if it means following his gut and not societys hypocritical and cruel principles, is a better option than going to everyone elses heaven. All right then, Ill go to hell (245). This is Hucks true break with the world around him. Huck faces the moral conflict of whether or not to turn Jim in because it is what society dubbed as the right thing to do. I was paddling off, all in a sweat to tell on him but when he says this, it seemed to kind of take the tuck all out of me (89). Right off from the beginning, Huck wanted to turn Jim in because it was against societys rules to help a slave escape and Huck knew it. But when Jim said that, Huck yous de bes fren Jims ever had en you is de only fren ole Jims got now (89). helped Huck to grasp the concept that there is a friendship in the making. Even though Huck didnt turn Jim in, he is till troubled by his conscience when the slave catchers were leaving because he knows it is wrong to help a slave. Still Huck cannot bring himself forward to tell on Jim, thus showing that his innate sense of right exceeds that of society. The con-mens attempt to pose as the brothers of the late Peter Wilks is an important part of Hucks moral increment.The Duke and King try to take Peters estate, however, Huck decides to retu rn the gold to Peters three daughters. This action demonstrates further moral growth, as he does choose to vacate the two con-men. Huck learned that people can be nice and show each other that they care about one another. Women would walk up to Peters daughters and kiss their foreheads, and then put their hand on theirhead, and looked up towards the sky, with the tears running down, and then busted out and went off sobbing and swabbing, and give the next woman a show (159). Huck has never seen anything so disgusting. When Huck Finn sees one of the daughters crying beside the coffin, it makes a deep impact on him. Hucks religious beliefs and moral standards cross pathes as he handles the situation. When Huck says, All right then, Ill go to hell (245). He has decided to go against what society tells him to do by freeing Jim. Throughout the entire book Huck struggles with separating his own moral beliefs and what society tells him is the right thing to do.From the beginning of the book Huck showed that he did not always believe what people told and went against the grain when he said he wanted to go to hell instead of heaven. The moral development that Huck shows throughout the book causes Huck to develop other traits as well, such as compassion and sincerity towards others. Huck really came out of his shell and fully developed his moral beliefs when he gave the money back that the con-men stole to the three girls. It allowed Huck to get in touch with his emotional side of his moral beliefs and it told him what th right thing to do was.
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