Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Vanderbilt Law School debate on the Death penalty Essay

Vanderbilt Law School palisade on the Death penalization - Essay ExampleOwing to the above details provided, the opponent of death penalty, Dr. Ken Haas, was more convincing in his argument (Haas and Marquis). Death penalty is non scarce about liberal or conservative politics but also about the moral choices of this nation. This dispels any notion that the death penalty debate is about conservative and liberal politics. The proponent of the death penalty elaborates that this form of punishment should only be utilized on the most heinous criminals. As such, most murder convicts would not face executing since the majority would not repeat their actions. Convicts such Mohamed who repeatedly killed innocent civilians should face such frightful punishment. This is because they look at proved clearly that they had the intent to commit the offensive activity repeatedly. On a moral basis, this punishment is unacceptable owing to the sacred nature of life. However, the proponent reve als that this severe disciplinary measure has a deterrent effect on criminals. According to the research cited, it reveals that the penalty saves hundred of innocent civilians. Overall, this punishment is immoral, but the justice outline should have this option owing to some extreme scenarios that require measures. The death penalty is inappropriate but a legal necessity (Haas and Marquis). Death penalty has caused a lot of controversy even among judges. Subsequently, in 1985 some judges were deemed unfit to partake in court proceedings since their views would impede their ability to make headway fair decisions in line with the existing statutes. The opponent thinks that the research on the deterrent effect of execution is a culmination of defective research. The assumption in this kind of research is rationality. However, most criminal who exit face such punishments as execution have limited options. The only possible punishment is a life sentence without a chance for parole. Th erefore, both punishments are severe. Hence, it will have no deterrent effects. Additionally, the criminal who committed a heinous crime may fail to think rationally. Therefore, executions, especially those that receive high levels of humansity, will project a certain message to the society. The message projected is that violence is a means to resolve wrongdoings. Subsequently, executions may instigate further violence or contribute to a violent culture in the society. Death penalty is only a tough stance adopted against crime. However, research has revealed that it conveys an inappropriate message to the society. Overall, it is inappropriate (Haas and Marquis). Cases that demand such extreme punishment generate massive public and media concerns. As such, the justice system may play into the public gallery trap by seeking victory rather than searching for evidence that will pin the suspect to the crime. The law enforcers may fail to analyze vital evidence or make mistakes owing to public pressure. This will result in an unlawful conviction. Subsequent appeals may result in an acquittal owing to inadequate evidence. The initial proceedings in such cases may be unprocedural as authorities coerce evidence from witnesses. Revelation of such an event will result in the acquittal of convicts. Most cases that may result in execution witness major errors in the proceeding owing to medial or public attention. The enforcing authorities may cave in to such pressure as they pursue a conviction rather than seek the truth. The authorities

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